Whale Watching Season 2023

The Season begins on Friday, January 15th and last until March 31th, 2025.

These magnificent mammals gather here to mate, give birth and nurse their young. It’s one of nature’s most spectacular and memorable experience – and you can enjoy the best whale watching during your visit.
The World Wildlife Fund considers Samana Bay one of the best places in the world to watch humpback whales, known to be the most active whale species, Humpback whales have an amazing repertoire of behaviors.

Places, where we start Whale Watching Tours

No worry, if you did not find your starting point, just contact us and we will find the solution.

Dominican’s North Atlantic humpback whales travel 2,500 to 5,000 Km journey from North pole (Iceland, Greenland, Canada, and North America) to the Caribbean every year during their annual Winter migration.